Hand dyed silk crinkle chiffon with baby hem edges. Very dark with lighter brighter ends. Deep purply navy and turquoise tones highlights
The deep is built up not a plain blue but rich and complex
It has black subtle drawing lines of giabf celosia flowers at ends.
Can be a shawl or wound small as necklace evening
3 variations
1. Streak- I selvedge edge to float free while the baby hem anchors to your neckline
There is a streak like pattern down the mud scarf area.
Ends are floral and more turquoise colored
2 Deep. Traditional 4 side baby hem. Deep deep blue/ indigo / navy rich tones with some aqua hints. aqua / turquoise on edges
3 Wave One free float selvedge factory edge for light effect when wearing. The floral wave area find up mid scarf on this one. It's a bit lighter mid scarf. The ends are turquoise aqua floral.
Product code: Factory Blue Night Celosia