Factory Classic Wedding White Bouquet, Bouquet of preserved flowers and dried flowers, bridal bouquet, bunch bridal preserved flowers set for bride
factory The most delicate wedding bouquet of the most delicate roses, cotton and lagurus is the dream of every bride. The varied texture of white color blends perfectly with the wedding dress.
Light, airy and ready to be tested, a bouquet of stabilized flowers will blow your guests away. While fresh flowers should be placed in flasks with water to keep them fresh. The heavy construction is not for fragile brides.
A stabilized bouquet is weightless and will look perfect at the end of the evening!
Stabilized flowers:
dried flowers:
-Dried Shola
• They keep their appearance for 3-5 years
• Do not require watering or any special treatment
• Do not cause allergies
• Product size is 6,6*6,6/ inches/17*17cm - is 7,8*9,8/ inches/20*25cm
Care recommendations:
• Do not water!
• Keep away from heating elements
• Keep away from direct sunlight
• If necessary, remove dust with a hair dryer (cold air)
Please contact us if you have any problems with your purchase and we will get back to you right away.