Purple Bride Wedding Bouquet Artificial Flower Bouquet Purple Rose Bouquet Lavender Bridesmaids factory Bouquet Flower Wedding Bouquet DJ-13
Purple Bride Wedding Bouquet Artificial Flower Bouquet Purple Rose Bouquet Lavender Bridesmaids factory Bouquet Flower Wedding Bouquet DJ-13, Beautiful purple wedding bouquet for bridal wedding party bouquet there are 3 shades of purple roses.
Product code: Purple Bride Wedding Bouquet Artificial Flower Bouquet Purple Rose Bouquet Lavender Bridesmaids factory Bouquet Flower Wedding Bouquet DJ-13
Beautiful purple wedding bouquet for bridal wedding party bouquet, there are 3 shades of purple roses in the wedding bouquet. The flowers used in this bouquet are all artificial flowers.
The bouquet width is about 25cm/10 inches
Color: Purple, Lavender, Lilac
Custom: We can make matching bridesmaids bouquets, corsages and boutonnieres, please let me know if you need them.
Custom Request: factory If you want to change any of the flower colors or the ribbon colors, please leave use notes during the order process.