if our plants Dead on Arrival, sent us a picture and we'll refund it
Packaging Media : spagnum moss
1. All the plants will be inspected before shipping by our QA officer and will be sent to the government official to be check for their health condition and gain Phytosanitary Certificate.
2. Please provide us as much as information for your import requirements.
3. For Shipping we use DHL EXPRESS
4. Buyer must input the phone number & email address for shipping info. (this is for DHL Shipment Manifest)
5. Please obtain the package as soon as possible after arrival.
6. Custom clearance, import duties & taxes (if required) are the customer's responsibility.
7. We grow the plants ourselves, we do not poach excessively from the forest, we just take some sample to cultivate and propagate it.
For more information please contact us (please be patient, because there's time difference from your country to ours. we will respond immediately)
visit our shop
For Bundling
clarinervium magnificum magnificum verde Jenmani Jenmani var regale papilalinum brownii preditoradiatum ptetroductiyl hokeri silver blush Crystallinum Radicans PHILODENDRON melanochrysum pastazanum mameii glorius majestic sodiroi gloriusum verrucosum Splendid plowmanii painted lady Florida ghost Florida beauty hastatum silver sword squamiferum skeleton key bippenifolium golden white wizard strawberry shake epiprenum pin var orange juice burlemax variegated paraiso Verde tortum ring of fire 69686 subhastatum pink princess atabapoense Billiteae Mayoi Branditianum Mexicanum Martianum Jose Buono ALOCASIA Dragon silver Baginda regina Nebula Cuprea Macrorrhiza MONSTERA albo accuminata Pertusa Adansoni variegated mint Adansonii var japan standleana albo standleana yellow karstenianum var Amydrium Medium Amydrium Silver factory Epipremnum sangrila SYNGONIUM albo white aurea yellow green splash mujito pink spot pink splash strawberry ice podophyllum pink flecked three king T25 milk confetii
Product code: Florida factory Beauty | Guaranteed Healthy | Free Phytosanitary | Rare Philodendron