Bridal bouquet , Silk bouquet, Wedding bouquet , factory Garden bouquet , Artificial ,Orange , Peach
Bouquet with Groom's Boutonniere #No20_002O
A gorgeous bouquet composed of garden roses and ranunculus in coral and peach tones, together with pink hydrangea and anemones, delicate peach-coloured symphoricarpos and completed with trailing green amaranthus. The stems are tied with lemon yellow and pastel green satin ribbons. The accompanying groom's factory boutonniere includes a peach rose with hydrangea, symphoricarpos and amaranthus tied with pastel green satin ribbon.
-Unique & Handmade item
-With one Groom 's boutonniere included
-Flower Type: Garden rose , Hydrangea , Ranunculus , Anemone , Symphonicarpos , Amaranthus
-Color: Orange , Peach , light pink and green
Width: 8.5 inches /21.59cm
Handle: 6 inches / 15.24cm
Total Height: 11 inches / 27.94cm
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For Bridal bouquet:
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